O Beata Trinitas! Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity pray for us and teach us to contemplate, worship, adore, praise and thank the Triune God, Three Divine Persons, One God!
Our destiny, if we are faithful to God and live in a state of grace, is to participate in the Covenant of Communion of the Most Holy Trinity. The human person who lived and lives most perfectly in Communion with God is Our Blessed Mother, Mary. Look to Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity to discover the wonder and awe of life in Communion with the Most Holy Trinity.
Ask Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity to teach you how to contemplate, worship, adore, praise and thank the Most Holy Trinity for your call to Communion with God. Ask Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity to share with you her relationships with the Most Holy Trinity as daughter of the Father, mother and disciple of the Son, and spouse and sanctuary of the Holy Spirit. Also ask Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity to take you to the inner room of your soul and behold the Most Holy Trinity.
Ask Our Lady to bring you to the throne of the Most Holy Trinity. In fact, ask Our Lady to bring you into the presence of the Most Holy Eucharist and then ask for the Light to contemplate, worship, adore, praise and thank the Most Holy Trinity and to love God above all things just for Himself. Then, in this Sacred Place OPEN YOUR HEART AND PRAISE GOD as you prayerfully reflect upon the following antiphons from the Divine Office for Trinity Sunday:
"Glory to you, O Trinity, one God in three equal Persons, as in the beginning, so now, and for ever." "Praise to the Holy Trinity and undivided Unity. Let us praise God for he has shown us his mercy." "Glory and honor to God in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; glory and praise to him for endless ages." "We give you thanks, O God; we give you thanks, Trinity one and true, Divinity one and most high, Unity one and holy." "Come, let us worship the true God: One in Trinity, Trinity in One." "Come and stay with us, O God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit." "The Father is Love, the Son is grace, the Holy Spirit is their bond of fellowship; O blessed Trinity." "The Father utters the Truth, the Son is the Truth he utters, and the Holy Spirit is Truth; O Blessed Trinity." "To you, O blessed Trinity, be worship and honor, glory and power, praise and joyful adoration through eternal ages." "May all your creatures give you fitting praise, adoration and glory, O blessed Trinity." "All things are from him, through him, and in him; to him be glory for ever." "O holy, undivided Trinity, Creator and Ruler of all that exists, may all praise be yours now, for ever, and for ages unending." "We call upon you, we praise you, we worship you, O blessed Trinity." "In you are our hope, our salvation, our dignity, O blessed Trinity." "O Holy Trinity, we profess that for you to be, to live, to understand are all one." "O Trinity most high, eternal and true: Father, Son and Holy Spirit." "Save us, set us free and give us life, O blessed Trinity." "Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, the God who is, who was, and who is to come." "With our whole heart and voice we acclaim you, O God; we offer you our praise and worship, unbegotten Father, only-begotten Son, Holy Spirit, constant friend and guide; most holy and undivided Trinity, to you be glory for ever."
Now sing with Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, St. Joseph, and all the Holy Angels and Saints: "Praise the holy Trinity, Undivided Unity; Holy God, Mighty God, God Immortal, be adored." We pray: "Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Alleluia!"
Through the intercession of Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John, St. James, St. Therese, St. Rita, St. Philomena, St. Jude, St. Nicholas, St. Alphonsus, St. Peter Chrysologus, St. Zachary, St. Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist, St. Perpetua, St. Felicity, St. Francis, St. Veronica Guiliani, St. Joan of Arc, St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz, St. Padre Pio, St. Patrick, St. Bridget, St. Columban and all the Holy Angels and Saints may you be abundantly blessed in the Covenant of Communion of the Most Holy Trinity, with my Priestly blessing,
Father Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT