Pax et Bonum!
CHRIST THE KING is the the final Sunday of the Liturgical Year because we are all created to live in the Kingdom of God with Christ as our King and Mary as our Queen. Those who are faithful to Christ the King, listening to His instructions given in and through the Catholic Church and living these Truths and the Sacramental Life, are prepared for the Kingdom of God. This is the goal of our lives and, thus, the Liturgical Year leads us from Advent, where we prepare for the birth of Christ, to Christ the King, where we embrace the realities of the Kingdom of God where we will live, God willing, for all of eternity.
Now, that we have come to the culmination of the Liturgical Year, let us ask the Holy Spirit to honestly examine our lives in the light of the following questions and considerations which Father James Flanagan, the first Priest servant of SOLT, proposes to us:
Look over the last year and be open to what has happened in my life with God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
What is my relationship with each Person of the Most Holy Trinity?
How has my relationship moved with each Person of the Most Holy Trinity during this past year?
Ask Our Lady to bring the graces of the past year to their fulfillment. See how God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit have each touched my life. See how He placed His mind in mine, how He has clothed me and how He has made me one with Him.
Christ has been drawing me to Himself and Our Lady has encouraged me to be one with Him. This is one very special grace among many. Am I grateful? Have I worshiped Him? Have I run from Him? How can I better relate to God?
Examination in relationship to Christ the King:
Does He really rule my life or do I belong to someone or something else? Does He really rule my heart, mind, soul and body?
The last gift Jesus gives this year is as King. Be kingly in everything I do. Do everything in a kingly and royal way.
Jesus is King of creation, King of the universe, King of Peace, King of kings, King of hearts, King of souls, King of minds, King of our bodies and King of our lives. Jesus is the King who brought the Kingdom of God to humanity. He is the King of kindness, mercy, goodness, generosity… Jesus is the King with total victory over all enemies. He has the victories over the devil, flesh, world, sin and death. Jesus is the King who gathers and gives abundant life so be beholden to God.
To understand the Kingdom (including the dynamics of the kingdom) you must understand the King. Jesus is the King of Truth and Life. Do you live in the Truth? Do you respect life from conception to natural death?
Christ makes all things new and calls you to the Kingdom of God. To make all things new, Christ restores all in the goodness of the Father. Do you see the goodness of the Father? Have you followed your call and lived as a faithful member of the Kingdom of God?
Christ came in the flesh, and He gave the complete gift of Himself. Have you?
Go to the throne and drink the everlasting water. Never thirst again when the King reigns.
Jesus is the King who is the faithful witness of the Father. He brings forth all the righteousness of the Father who is uncreated Charity with the Son and the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the King who fulfills and is fruitful. Are you?
In the Liturgical year, get into a "rhythm" in my life. Now I live in Christ the King. Next will be the Incarnation as I prepare for Advent. In Lent I will prepare to live in the Paschal Mystery. At Easter I will live the Resurrection. Look for the Teaching on "Liturgy is Life" and live the abundant life Jesus, Christ the King, won for me. Contemplate the face of Christ in the school of Mary.
Holy Spirit bring me to the oneness with Christ how and as you see fit and as Christ and the Father desire. Bring me to the oneness with Christ as the Most Holy Trinity desired during this year, and for which You granted me many graces and blessings. Please grant pardon for my failing to respond to many of these graces and blessings, and I ask that You still bring them to fruition. Please show me everything You are doing so that I can follow, adapt and bring forth Your fruitfulness. Help me come to the direction You want me to go into and that I must follow. Thank you.
Through the intercession of Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Peter, St. Paul, St. John, St. James, St. Therese, St. Rita, St. Philomena, St. Jude, St. Nicholas, St. Alphonsus, St. Peter Chrysologus, St. Zachary, St. Elizabeth, St. John the Baptist, St. Perpetua, St. Felicity, St. Francis, St. Veronica Guiliani, St. Joan of Arc, St. Louis, St. Joseph Calasanz, St. Padre Pio, St. Patrick, St. Bridget, St. Columban and all the Holy Angels and Saints may you be abundantly blessed in the Covenant of Communion of the Most Holy Trinity, with my Priestly blessing,
Father Zachary of the Mother of God, SOLT